But the cry “We can do it” before we could, “We are doing it” before we did it, was too loud, too distinct, too often repeated, partly by men whose testimony had a real value in itself, and deserved attention. But it had too much charm for us; we made more of it than it really said or meant. Briefly, the time as it was, dazzled us; yet we still worked actively, in order practically to approach our end. We succeeded in many respects in the way of bringing a few beginning subjects of instruction into better order and to a better psychological foundation; and our efforts on this side might have had really important results; but the practical activity, which alone could secure the success of our purpose, was gradually lost in our midst in a lamentable manner. Matters strange and far removed from our duty soon absorbed our time and powers, and gave a mortal blow to the simplicity, the progress, the concentration, and even the humanity of our original efforts. Great ideas for improving the world, which arose out of elevated views of our subject, and which soon became exaggerated, filled our heads, confused our hearts, and made our hands careless of the needs that lay before our eyes.